Slides: Session 12

Here are our slides from the 12th session (01/09/2019): See you next week!

Slides: Session 10

Here are our slides from the 10th session (12/19/2018): See you next week!

Slides: Session 9

Here are our slides from the 9th session (12/12/2018):–nQ_ZM8khO6xu6PmblIU/edit?usp=sharing See you next week!

Slides: Session 8

Here are our slides from the eight session (12/05/2018): See you next week!

Slides: Session 7

Here are our slides from the seventh session (11/28/2018): See you next week!

Girls Who Code – Cancelled Nov 21st!

Hi ladies, Based on the responses we got for meeting this week – we will not be having GWC meeting on Nov 21. You’re always encouraged to keep working on tutorials on your own, but …

Slides: Session 5

Here are our slides from the fifth session (11/07/2018): See you next week!

Slides: Session 3

Here are our slides from the THIRD session (10/24/2018): See you next week!